Lifting The Veil

"Lifting the Veil is the long overdue film that powerfully, definitively, and finally exposes the deadly 21st century hypocrisy of U.S. internal and external policies, even as it imbues the viewer with a sense of urgency and an actualized hope to bring about real systemic change while there is yet time for humanity and this planet. See this film!"
- Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board Member & Columnist, The Black Commentator
"Lifting the Veil is the long overdue film that powerfully, definitively, and finally exposes the deadly 21st century hypocrisy of U.S. internal and external policies, even as it imbues the viewer with a sense of urgency and an actualized hope to bring about real systemic change while there is yet time for humanity and this planet. See this film!"
Editorial Board Member & Columnist - The Black Commentator
“Lifting the Veil is a major contribution to political documentary. It teaches everyone from the uninitiated to the most sophisticated the true nature of the American government... It covers the issues clearly and succinctly, from the opening narrative through to its stirring conclusion.”
Lynne Dtewart Defense Committee - New Abolitionist Movement
"The best political film I've seen to date. A must watch if you want to understand who and what Obama is about, as well as this hypocrisy they call democracy."
Independent Journalist and former member of the Black Panther Party
"A wonderful, powerful film"
National Vice President, Veterans for Peace
"In less than two hours, documentarian Scott Noble eviscerates the myth of the American dream, laying bare the grinning, skeletal greed at its core. It’s the best single compilation we’ve yet seen on the corruption that has demolished the American commons and the lives of billions across the globe."
Eats Shoots 'n Leaves
"Noble is brilliantly pioneering the new film-making -- incisive analysis, compelling sound and footage, fearless and independent reporting, and the aggregation of the best information out there into powerful, educational and free online feature films – all on a shoestring budget. His films educate and inform while building the movements needed for real change at the grassroots. Noble's films are dedicated to democracy; they fan the flames of non-violent, people-powered revolution."
Founder, PR Watch